Fall Fundamentals Conference 2023

It's Not Me, It's You: Exploring Cutoff in Modern Times

The Bowen Center’s Fall Fundamentals Conference provides background on family systems thinking related to a topic of current interest to therapists in clinical practice. This will be a hybrid conference held at the University of the District of Columbia and via Zoom.

About this conference: Cutoff, estrangement, and going no contact is something therapists and clinicians hear their clients talking about on a regular basis. How does cutoff affect a family long term? What difference does it make to look at cutoff through a systems thinking lens? These are some of the questions that will be discussed in the conference. During this day leaders in family systems will share their thoughts and knowledge about cutoff and other concepts in Bowen Theory.


Date: Friday, September 29th, 2023

Location: University of the District of Columbia OR online via Zoom.
UDC (4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW 20008) is convenient to transportation and restaurants.

Time: 9:30 AM- 3:45 PM Eastern Time

Continuing Education Credits: CEs will be available. Please select this option when registering for the conference.





9:25 Introduction and Welcome to the Conference
9:30 Cutoff and the Next Generation

In this basic introduction to Bowen Theory and cutoff Dr. Millikin will present cutoff as a multigenerational process. Using family diagrams, Dr. Millikin will explore examples of how cutoff plays out in the next generation.
John Millikin, PhD
10:15 Emotional Cutoff

Bowen added the concept of Emotional Cutoff to the theory in 1975. The focus of the presentation will be looking at the concept of emotional cutoff as it relates to differentiation of self, chronic anxiety and the multigenerational transmission process. Distinctions will be made between emotional cutoff and emotional distance and understanding the mechanism common to both of them. The concept of emotional cutoff and the process of emotional distance will be illustrated through two clinical vignettes.
Kent Webb, LCSW, PCC
11:00 Break
11:15 A Systems View of Family Rifts

This presentation will focus on defining the two different paradigms of Attachment theory and Bowen natural systems theory. It will describe how the theoretical differences influence the conceptual framework for addressing parent and adult child relationships. The presentation will identify how the different theories lead to different clinical outcomes in approaching estrangement and cutoff.
Anne S. McKnight, EdD, LCSW
12:00 Break-Out Room Discussion
12:30 Lunch
1:45 Cutoff and Ways of Getting Unstuck from the Family Process

Dr. Laymon will identify ways that the intellectual side of self can be cut off from the emotional side of self. Using a multi-generational family diagram, she will describe patterns of cutoff. Dr. Laymon will illustrate how cutoff within an individual is mirrored in relationships with others.
Barbara Laymon, PhD
2:30 Pulling Yourself Together - The Challenge of Generational Cutoff

What happens when whole generations of people are separated at the societal level? We will explore this with regard to peer group communication, values, and sense of identity. What kind of challenges does this present as people seek to be a “self” in our society. Looking at lifestyle magazines, social media, internet algorithms, dating apps, and sociological studies, we will consider being a “self” from the perspective of Bowen Theory.
Rev. Ed Henley
3:15 Closing Panel Discussion
3:45 Adjourn

Continuing Education Information 

This one-day conference provides a maximum of 4.75 credit hours of Category I continuing education (CE) for counseling and social work. 


  • Pay the CEU/CE fee of $15 at time of registration. Be sure to choose “Add On” when purchasing your ticket on Eventbrite.  

  • Attend each livestreamed or in-person class in its entirety. The conference coordinator will note your attendance. 

  • If livestreamed, enable video and show your name on screen so that you are visible throughout the entirety of the class, except during designated breaks or lunch.  

  • Submit a completed evaluation no more than 60 days after the event. Shortly after the submission of your completed evaluation, you will be emailed a certificate.  

Policies: The Bowen Center does not offer refunds for CE. We do not offer continuing education credit for viewing any recordings. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to verify their state’s professional licensure criteria for CE qualifications.  


  • Define what cutoff is and its effect on the multigenerational process.

  • Describe the difference of the two paradigms of Attachment Theory and Bowen Theory.

  • Identify how emotional cutoff relates to differentiation of self, chronic anxiety, and the multigenerational transmission process.

The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family/Georgetown Family Center is authorized by the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners to provide continuing education credit. This program is a Category I offering.  

The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family/Georgetown Family Center has been approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6225. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family/Georgetown Family Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 

If you have any questions about Continuing Education, please email ceu@thebowencenter.org