Publications on Bowen Theory
The Bowen Center’s Publication page features a large collection of books on Bowen theory, some of them published by the Center.
bowen center Books & Family Systems Journal | spring conference speaker books | articles on Bowen theory | Recommended Readings | translations | faculty publications | New! Thinking Systems | How to order Bowen Center publications
Thinking Systems: Applying Bowen Theory in Clinical Practice, by Anne S. McKnight, EdD, is a compilation of fifteen case studies presented and discussed by faculty of the Bowen Center between 1994 and 2021. These clinical presentations, with an introduction to each chapter by Dr. McKnight, represent a range of family challenges that both clinicians and family members interested in applying Bowen theory will find useful. Learn more and purchase.
Bowen Center Books & Family Systems Journal
Spring Conference Speaker Books
Dr. Joan Roughgarden, the guest speaker for the 2025 Spring Conference will be available to sign books at the conference lunch break on Friday, April 25th. Please purchase your books in advance and bring them to the conference. The Center is unable to provide any of her books for purchase.
Articles on Bowen Theory
Recommended Readings
Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, by Murray Bowen, MD, is a collection of Dr. Bowen’s published papers, from the early essays on schizophrenic families and their treatment through the development of his eight concepts. Family Evaluation, written by Michael E. Kerr, MD, with an epilogue by Dr. Bowen, describes the concepts of Bowen theory, utilizing clinical case examples to discuss the applications of theory in treatment.
Available in print and Kindle versions on Amazon. Please note that neither book is published by the Bowen Center.
Faculty Publications
Featuring books on Bowen theory written by current and former Bowen Center faculty members. Each book is described on its Amazon or publisher purchase link.
How to Order Bowen Center Publications
Books. Each book icon opens up to description and purchase options. To complete checkout of books published by the Center, locate the shopping cart icon on the top right of our website. For mobile devices, the shopping cart appears below the quantity selection.
Shipping rates: Please note, due to changes in carrier rates, our shipping rates have increased. We are currently in the process of modifying the rates on our website as information comes to us through our fulfillment group. If you do not yet see a shipping option for your destination, please contact Paulis Waber for a quote.
International Shipping: International shipping is temporarily suspended while we update our website. Please check back soon. Or contact us for updates.
Family Systems Journal is an interdisciplinary journal published by the Center since 1994. Visit our journal page to subscribe to our current issue. Visit the back issue page to purchase older issues.
All downloadable PDFs are for personal use only. Please contact us for volume pricing and distribution permission for educational purposes.
Questions: Please contact Paulis Waber, Media Coordinator.