Nancy Duarte-Gómez, Psy.D.
Nancy Duarte holds a Master’s (1996) and a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College, IL (2003). During the years of 2001-2002 she was fellow at The Danielsen Institute, Boston University. She is currently licensed in the state of Illinois, and in private clinical practice working with individuals, couples, and families applying Bowen theory to understand the emotional relational system. Dr. Duarte started her journey with Bowen Theory in 1994, while in graduate school. Since then, she started to study the theory and its application. In 2013, Dr. Duarte attended the two-year graduate program at the Bowen Center for the Study of the family, in Washington D.C.
Dr. Duarte has a vast experience, both, in Chile and the USA, teaching and doing clinical supervision in university setting (Wheaton College, IL). She has also served as Psychology Department Chair in her native Chile in two universities. She has taught courses on Bowen theory, both, in undergraduate and graduate school.
Dr. Duarte is a founding member of the Bowen Center Ibeoroamerican Insititute
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Nancy Duarte tiene un Master (1996) y un Doctorado en Psicología Clínica (2003) de la Universidad de Wheaton, Illinois, USA. La Dra. Duarte hizo un fellowship en El Instituto Danielsen, Universidad de Boston (2001-2002). La Dra. Duarte actualmente trabaja en práctica clínica, acreditada en el estado de Illinois, aplicando la teoría trabajando con individuos, parejas y familias. La Dra. Duarte comenzó sus estudios en la Teoría de Bowen el año 1994, y en el año 2013 comenzó el Programa de Postgrado, por dos años, en Washington, DC., USA.
La Dra. Duarte tiene vasta experiencia enseñando y haciendo supervisión clínica en universidades, tanto en Chile como en USA. También como Directora de Escuela de Psicología en Chile. La Dra. Duarte es miembro fundadora del Centro Iberoamericano del Bowen Center.