Submit a Journal Manuscript

Manuscripts are accepted for consideration by Family Systems with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously, and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. They should generally be ten to twenty-five manuscript pages, although longer articles will sometimes be accepted. These can be theoretical papers, clinical or experimental research studies, field studies, subject-oriented papers, case reports (brief quotes may be used in such reports, but not transcripts of sessions), and literature reviews.

Careful attention should be paid to preserve anonymity in case reports and similar articles. The journal will also publish brief reports, which are generally six to eight manuscript pages. Ideas stimulated by theoretical thinking, clinical experiences, observations of the natural world, reading, or other sources can be the basis of such reports. Family Systems also has a book review section. Reviews of books, chosen at the author’s discretion, must critically engage the ideas presented and discuss their relevance to the development of Bowen family systems theory.


Manuscripts may be sent by email to Dr. Robert J. Noone, Editor, Family SystemsEmail: Please include address and phone number. Authors will be advised of the decision about their manuscripts as rapidly as possible.


The copyright on all material published in Family Systems is held by the Georgetown Family Center. Authors sign a copyright agreement when their article is accepted for publication.


Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by The Chicago Manual of Style. An original and three copies should be submitted on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white bond paper, double-spaced throughout, with wide margins. The author is advised to keep a copy to check against galley proofs.

After an article has been accepted for publication, it is copyedited for literary style, conformity to the style of this journal, clarity of presentation, coherence, punctuation, standard usage of terms, and spelling. Authors will have an opportunity to review edited copy prior to publication. As submissions are refereed “blind,” author’s name and other identifying marks should appear only on a detachable cover sheet. Original artwork must be submitted for tables, charts, graphs and illustrations.


An abstract of 150 words should be prepared as a lead-in to the article. An abstract is also needed for a brief report. This will be printed in italics and should cover the intent, scope, and principal findings of the article. No abstract is needed for book reviews.


For each author, give professional degrees/title, and name and location of the principal institutional affiliation. This information will appear in a footnote on the first page of the article.


An important responsibility of the author is to prepare a correct reference list. References should be checked against original sources. A double-spaced, alphabetized reference list should be located at the end of the manuscript. Journal names should be spelled out. References in the text should indicate the author and date of publication. Page number(s) should be included only when a direct quote is used. Please refer to a current issue of Family Systems for examples of the proper format.