Subscribe to Family Systems Journal
A subscription includes two-issues per year in either Print + Digital or Digital Only formats. Rates are:
Print + Digital: Individual - $60. Institutional - $110.
Digital Only: Individual - $55. Institutional - $105.
Visit our Journal Page for the Current Issue and begin your subscription today! Individual and institutional options are available within each subscription link. Learn more about Print + Digital and Digital Only formats below. If you need to confirm your subscription status, contact Paulis Waber.
Subscription Information
Types of Subscriptions:
Print + Digital subscribers receive the print journal by mail and have permanent digital access to each issue they’ve subscribed to.
Digital Only subscribers have permanent digital access to their subscribed issues.
All subscribers are notified by email when an issue becomes available online.
Subscription terms: The journal publishes 2x per year, in the spring and fall. Your 2 issue subscription renews yearly on the anniversary of the day you subscribed, and your credit card on file is automatically charged. Please remember to keep your email, credit card information, and mailing address information current. You may cancel at any time. Avoid cancellation when your credit card changes by selecting PayPal.
Our subscription platform,, has an excellent information page for subscribers (referred to by gumroad as “members”).
Topics include:
“How do I access my digital journal from my receipt? Both your receipt or the “create an account” options allow access to all issues you’ve subscribed to.
How do I access my gumroad library? Creating an account allows you direct access without retrieving your receipt. It also allows you to update your credit card, email, and mailing address.
Create a gumroad account here. Be sure to use the same email you subscribed with. The signup screen is for both customers and content creators so ignore the “begin selling” headline.
Updating Payment Information: Please consider subscribing with or switching the payment source on your account to Paypal, which automatically updates. If using a credit card, please maintain current payment information on your gumroad account. Gumroad automatically cancels subscriptions for declined cards and most cards are declined due to expiration. Learn more about gumroad’s payment process.
How do I search for my receipt? Contact Paulis Waber if you can’t locate your receipt. The receipt email comes from the Bowen Center. If you recall the issue you began your subscription with you can use it in your email search terms. Example 16.1.
International Subscriptions: The Bowen Center no longer charges a higher rate for international subscriptions. VAT taxes are automatically applied for EU subscribers.
How do I cancel my subscription? Select the cancel button at the bottom of your subscription receipt, or open your Gumroad account and find the cancel subscription option, or write to Paulis Waber for cancellation. Note that you’ll receive any issues you’ve already paid for. Example, if your card is automatically charged for the next subscription year in May and you cancel in June, you’ll still receive the next two issues you’ve paid for, but will not be charged in the future. Your digital access to all issues you’ve paid for is permanent.
Back Issues and Articles: Full back issues and individual articles are available for purchase. You may also use our website’s search engine to look for articles on specific topics or by author.
Read the journal on your kindle! The Gumroad platform allows you to easily send the journal or individual articles to your kindle by supplying your assigned Amazon kindle email (not your usual email). Use your gumroad receipt to access your purchased subscription content. Find the receipt by searchig your email for The Bowen Center for the Study. Once you see your purchased journals and articles, click on the “read in kindle” button circled below and enter your Amazon kindle email.
Click here on any journal article or full journal. Enter your kindle email address and send to your kindle.
Need to find your kindle email? Amazon offers a variety of ways to locate the email. Below are two suggestions:
On the kindle app: select the “more” button at the bottom of the app screen and press to open. >Select settings.> In settings you’ll find your “Send to Kindle Email Address.” Copy that email so you can easily reference it and paste into the “send to kindle” prompt on the gumroad platform.
On your kindle: Press the 3 vertical dots at top> Select settings> Select “Your Account” > The “Send to Kindle email” is shown at the bottom. Your kindle email is in the text below the bold text.
For other options, visit your personal Amazon Web Page and search for “manage your devices.”
For more information use this search link.
Questions: Contact Paulis Waber.