Filtering by: Spring Conference
Ethics Seminar
9:20 AM09:20

Ethics Seminar

This is a hybrid conference, with limited in-person seating, and unlimited online tickets. In-person tickets are on a first-come-first-served basis. When registering, participants will be prompted to select in-person or online. Attendance details will be emailed upon registration.
In-person location: To be announced shortly - in the DC/VA area

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Unlocking the Mystery of the Family Emotional History: Ryan Woods
to Apr 10

Unlocking the Mystery of the Family Emotional History: Ryan Woods

The goal of this conference is to highlight the importance of exploring family research as a means to better understand one’s family and one’s part in it. The invited researcher, Ryan Woods, leads a nationally recognized organization, AmericanAncestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society, the oldest genealogical organization in the US. From his rich experience in traditional genealogical research, he will present on how people are motivated and impacted by genealogical research and on his observations of patterns and legacies in published family histories.

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